Funeral Pre-Planning

Pre-planning a funeral involves making decisions and outlining your final wishes in advance, without necessarily pre-paying for the services. It allows individuals to have control over their funeral arrangements and relieves the burden from loved ones during an emotional time. M&R Funeral Service offers a comprehensive Final Wishes Pre-Planning Guide to assist you in this process. The guide covers various aspects, including burial or cremation preferences, choice of funeral service location, desired religious or cultural customs, music and readings selections, and preferences for memorialization. It also provides space to document important personal details, such as contact information, obituary preferences, and any specific requests you may have. By using the Final Wishes Pre-Planning Guide, you can ensure your wishes are known and respected, providing peace of mind for yourself and your loved ones.If you would like your own Final Wishes pre-planning guide they can be collected from our Hemel Hempstead Branch.